Success Stories

S. Sharma’s Empowering Journey: From Surviving to Thriving

Suman Sharma, a strong woman from Tezpur, Assam, found herself trapped in an abusive marriage, feeling powerless and hopeless. That’s when she connected with life coach Darshana Saikia, who became her guiding light. With Darshana’s support, Suman regained her self-worth and courage, breaking free from her abusive marriage.

With newfound confidence, Suman pursued her passion for tailoring, opening her own shop in Tezpur. She empowered four women tailors, providing them with jobs and stability. Suman’s shop became a creative space, attracting loyal customers and inspiring her community.

Suman’s journey from surviving to thriving shows the transformative impact of life coaching. Through Darshana’s guidance, individuals like Suman can overcome challenges and build lives filled with purpose and joy. Today, Suman continues to thrive, a reminder of the strength we all possess to create our own path to happiness and fulfillment.

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